The other morning I confirmed a “friend request” on Facebook before beginning my morning prayer. That diversion led to looking at the pictures and reading the latest news feeds of my friends and family. Fifteen or twenty minutes later I finally got down to my morning meditation, this time however, bringing my friends and family with me making that session a rich and I think fruitful experience of prayer.
This is quite a change from my former morning pattern of reading some online newspapers, and wondering what was happening in “the” world and what am I doing there. Reading Facebook put me more in “my” world and I must say that made me much happier and gave me a sense of “God with me” Emanuel. I wonder if that insight isn’t too different from the people of Nazareth’s response to Jesus’s visit with them in the temple that we read in today’s gospel selection: “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” (LK 4:22) Help me God to see You in my life, in the real people and events You bless me with each day.
Think I’ll try spending time on Facebook tomorrow before sitting down to prayer.
Dan O’Donnell is a Passionist Partner and a longtime friend of the Passionists. He lives in Chicago.