Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8
Matthew 10:1-7
During COVID, I doubted whether my business would survive. I had to scrape and scramble to keep enough income coming through the door to pay the bills. Last year, I didn’t have to scramble quite so much; I was even able to build up a little bit of an emergency fund (which I always try to keep on hand). This year so far has been better than the last. I was breathing more easily and feeling more confident that I will not only pay the bills, but maybe have some extra to put toward retirement.
Then everything fell apart at once. My lawn mower and trimmer broke, as did my dishwasher, my car needed an expensive repair, and I discovered that the concrete slab under my main floor had sunken down, which required a contractor to raise it, and then I needed new flooring. Aaaauuugh! My financial security evaporated as fast as my emergency fund.
I couldn’t help but think of the landowners in scripture who used the riches from the harvest to build their own altars, pillars, and storage barns. They placed great security and confidence in their wealth. But just as I’ve been painfully reminded, they eventually learned that money is not faithful, loving, loyal, wise, nor a proper source of security. Instead, it is fleeting, and everything I have can disappear faster than I want to admit.
People are not always a good source of security either. Sometimes people I loved have hurt and betrayed me. Sometimes we simply grow apart and don’t see each other much. Sometimes I think a relationship is deep and true, but when I’m in crisis and really need that person, I find out how limited the relationship actually is. Sometimes people with whom I do have a deeply loving and trusting relationship die, and I am without that reliable presence at my side. Again, in myriad ways, every person I love can disappear faster than I want to admit.
So where is my security? What is unfailing, true, ever-loving, and ever-present? Only God. And I don’t have to go search for God. Heaven is at hand. As scripture says, it is time to seek the Lord. Yes, the things of this world and especially the people of this world are often instruments of God, but they are not God. They are not that abiding source of my life and breath that will never leave me to face my life alone.
Where is your security? What can you do this week to build your relationship with the only One who is always and forever faithful, loving, wise, and true? Let the fear inside come face-to-face with the God who is ever by your side. Know that you are not alone. That is true security.
Amy Florian is a teacher and consultant working in Chicago. For many years she has partnered with the Passionists. Visit Amy’s website: http://www.corgenius.com/.