Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10
Matthew 13:1-9
The theory of evolution has again emerged as a topic of conversation, and disagreement. There are those who revive an older position that evolution establishes the autonomy of our universe, and its capacity to self-beget and self-develop without any divine help.
In studying the chapter in this scripture Ghostwriter came to the conclusion that there are others committed to evolutionary theory (or hypothesis) who see in it additional praise for the power and wisdom of God, who subtly embedded His own design in the universe as an unfolding witness to His sublime greatness. How clever God is to work so discreetly!
The prophet Jeremiah, in today’s reading, apparently thought himself as very unpromising material for God’s plans. If God thought that he, Jeremiah, could develop into a promising spokesperson for Him, by dint of his own unaided powers, then God was sadly mistaken. But wait! God had no such idea. For He had planted deep within the prophet His own divine call and planned for it to evolve into a great prophetic voice! Not to worry, Jeremiah would witness handsomely to God.
Somewhat similarly, the sower of seeds, in the day’s gospel, grabbed a sack-full of seed for planting in the soil. What were the prospects of a hundred percent return on his efforts? Surely the sad results accompanying most of the seed falling into the earth would prove the incompetence of the farmer. No such thing. This particular sower (God) knew from the outset how things would evolve. He programmed the return of a hundred, sixty or thirtyfold, which, far from disproving His role, established it.
When we reflect on our own lives, we may initially see no sign off God active there. But, not to fear! Let things evolve. Out of our unpromising lumpishness will emerge signs of God alive and at work, producing the hundred, sixty or thirtyfold–perhaps even a prophetic voice.