Jeremiah 13:1-11
Matthew 13:31-35
The smallest things can produce the biggest outcomes – today’s gospel shares the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast. Both small, seemingly insignificant items, but items that produce a huge result – the mustard seed will sprout into “a large bush, and the birds of the sky will come and dwell in its branches” (as well as producing even more mustard seed) and the yeast will produce a result quite out of proportion to its size. When yeast is mixed with “three measures of wheat flour”, it produces enough bread to possibly feed one hundred people.
For us, here and now, the kingdom is a place we long for. Our world is different, illness and anger abide for so many reasons and in so many ways, and the peace and joy that were so easy to obtain are a little more difficult to find – unless you know where to look. But, we know that there is joy in the morning! We are breathing, we are alive, and we know that all of our little attempts of easing someone else’s pain, or doing what we can to make this world better, are the little mustard seeds of faith that keep us going.
We await the transformation that Jesus works in us every day. Be that little mustard seed, or that teaspoon of yeast, to others. Be compassionate, stay formed in the word of God, and for the love of God, be kind to one another. It only takes a little bit of compassion, patience, love, tolerance, joy (insert your favorite word here) to make the difference in someone’s life. May God continue to bless and protect you all.
Patty Masson is a motivational speaker who resides in Spring, Texas.
Father Alan- this is a beautiful reflection. Thank you so much.
Lovely reflection, Fr. Alan!