Jeremiah 18:1-6
Matthew 13:47-53
The words from the prophet, Jeremiah today reminded me of a potter friend of mine. I remember watching him at his wheel as the clay was spinning and being molded into a creation of his choosing. It was an experience of awe and wonder for all of us waiting eagerly to see the finished product. He lovingly took the time to mold and shape the wet clay into a fine piece of art admired by all.
Carey Landry, noted song writer and musician, wrote the song, Abba Father, in which we can find the creation plan our loving potter God envisioned for each one of us in these words:
Abba Father. You are the potter; we are the clay, the work of your hands.
Mold us and fashion us into the image of Jesus Your Son.
Jesus reminds us in the Gospel of Matthew that the Kingdom of heaven includes both the new and the old, the rejected and the praised, the rich and the poor, the immigrant, the prisoner, the LGBTQ, people of all faiths, creeds and skin color. As people who have been created in the image and likeness of God, may our prayer reflect the love and acceptance of all creation as we sing the closing lyrics of Abba Father:
Father, may we be one in You. May we be one in You As he is in You and You are in Him!
Glory, glory and praise to You. Glory and praise to You forever, Amen, forever Amen.
Abba, Abba Father. You are the potter;
We are the clay, the work of Your hands. Abba.
Theresa Secord recently retired as a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.