Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle
Ephesians 2:19-22
John 20:24-29
Today is the feast of St. Thomas, the candid one. He is the one who just tells it like he sees it and really speaks, more or less, for the other Eleven. When Jesus insists on going to Jerusalem, Thomas declares that the trip will mean death for them all. (Jn. 11:16) At the Last Supper, after Jesus declares to them that they know the place to which he was going, Thomas retorts that they do not know the way since they had no idea where he is going. (Jn 14:5) Good news comes when someone is able to put a name on what is going on at the moment. It may be awkward or bold, nevertheless the reality perceived is revealed.
Be "good news" today for someone. Pay attention and name what is going on. The "good news" can be passed along through introvert and extrovert alike. What is key is the way in which we see ourselves "fitting in" to this "structure" which takes shape as a holy temple in the Lord; "in him you are being built into this temple, to become a dwelling place for God in the Spirit." (Eph. 2:22)
Can my candidness help a person feel at home in their anxiety? As I am a dwelling place for God in the Spirit I welcome in people whose paths I happen to cross.
Just as Thomas needed the living proof of His suffering Lord truly risen, people are in need of living proof that someone welcomes them in. Was Thomas’ public declaration helping the others come to grips with their own unbelief even though they paid lip service by declaring "We have seen the Lord." Then, why were they still behind locked doors in fear? Accept in yourself the capability to be a dwelling place for God, at the service of whoever doubts and searches. Be assured Jesus is at the basic foundation upon which your life is built.
Fr. Alex Steinmiller, C.P. is president of Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School Birmingham, Alabama.