Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24
Matthew 14:1-12
Today’s reading speaks volumes to us about integrity and the social pressures that become present in certain situations. How many times have we made decisions because of the pressures of others, or tried to defend what is right when you are surrounded by people who disagree? Do you act as John and lead a life of integrity, doing what is right despite of the pressures around you? Or are you Herod, one who gives in to his whims with no regard for right or wrong?
We are called by God to be prophets – to lead lives that follow His teachings, and live lives that lead others to Christ. Both John and Jesus gave up their lives for the truth. Are we making that kind of commitment to our faith? Are we, like John and Jesus, ready to commit ourselves to that type of sacrifice?
I pray for wisdom, and for courage to never say anything or defend anything that I don’t believe is true. I have lived through the sacrifice of speaking my truth and have been “unfriended” by people who I have worked with and for. I am okay with that, because I know in my heart that my integrity is intact, and I have tried to lead and make decisions in my life that will positively impact others. I am destined to suffer as a child of God, and I am happy that I am so loved by God. Lord, give me the strength to always do the right thing, and to turn to Jesus for his guidance.
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.