Acts 28:16-20, 30-31
John 21:20-25
Love Received, Love Shared
It’s July 4th, 2022!
For citizens of the U.S.A., this Independence Day invites us to ponder and celebrate our nation’s 246-year history and its involvement in the world today. The Scripture selections for the liturgy of Monday in the 14th week of Ordinary Time encourage us to pause and reflect on our faith and its impact on the realities of 21st Century life. God’s Life and Love are real, today, for all of us in our “Common Home”!!
Our reading from the prophet Hosea presents God’s love as that of a husband and wife: attractive (almost seductive!), forever, forgiving, faithful, life-giving. Human experience tells us today that even the most ideal human relationship is open to growth; that growth in love entails a life-long commitment! Hosea reminds us that God’s love is life-giving and transformative, inviting our involvement.
Jesus reveals Divine Love in today’s Gospel selection by His loving concern for the sick and dying. He meets the synagogue leader whose young daughter had just died. As only a parent would, the official appeals for Jesus’ help. Jesus responds and goes to the daughter. On the way, a woman with a chronic hemorrhage boldly reaches out in faith to simply touch His cloak in hope of healing – and she is cured! Jesus’ words to her echo his earlier words to the synagogue leader: have courage! believe! Jesus travels on and lovingly reaches out to revive the young girl. The result: amazing! Jesus shares life and love with all: the young and younger, the “important” and ordinary, poor and rich…Life that lasts!
We today gratefully celebrate our independence and our interdependence, seeking to connect with our sisters and brothers worldwide. We need Jesus’ healing touch and encouragement: sickness, violence, doubt, and death are all-too evident; injustice, hunger, and apathy sicken many. As we are blessed with faith in Jesus and his Crucified Love, may His Love transform and energize each of us, motivating us to witness the life, goodness, and freedom that is ours as God’s daughters and sons.
Let the celebration begin! God is gracious, and merciful, and loving!
Fr. John Schork, C.P. serves as the Province Vocation Director and also as Local Superior of the Passionist Community of Holy Name in Houston, Texas.