1 Kings 18:41-46
Matthew 5:20-26
On the one hand, our readings this day remind us that we are called to be alert, to study the horizon and to see where the Lord may be leading us. This takes patience, time, and a willingness to enter into silence.
On the other hand, our readings remind us that we are also called to be people who are even willing to let go of the anger we may have toward our own brothers and sisters. We are called not only to trust in this unusual desire of God for his people, but we are being told that we must even act in a way that seems totally against our nature – to forgive and to let go of the anger that we carry within our hearts.
In my years of ministry as a priest I do not think there is anything that is harder for us as human beings than this demand of the Lord, to forgive and to surrender the anger that can easily dominate our hearts.
We know this is more than a single act of the will but it begins there, like a tiny cloud on the horizon. One single act of the will to let go, to forgive, and to carry peace in our hearts rather than discord and resentment, will lead us to a victory within that we cannot even imagine. This single, tiny act will bear fruit that will lead us to an inner peace that we could only hope for.
Fr. Pat Brennan, C.P. is the director of St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center, Detroit, Michigan.