Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24
2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15
Mark 5:21-43
When we hear of Jesus’ healings, we must realize that he doesn’t ask people to follow him and believe in him because he needs to inflate his ego, but he encourages them to follow him for their own salvation! He wants them to know the one true God, and he wants them to enjoy the gifts that will come to them through that relationship with their heavenly Father.
He knows what we need when we need it. He knew exactly who touched his cloak because he knows his faithful ones. It was not just the touching of a cloak that he felt, but the sensing of her faith and her trusting belief in his healing.
We can’t be afraid of life or live in the fear of what was or what may be, or the uncertainty of changing our lives to live more closely to God. He tells us, “Be not afraid”!! Today’s gospel reading reflects examples of faith – a promise of salvation through the one true God.
My prayer today is that you open your hearts to the grace of God. Place your trust in him alone. I pray for you all and ask that you keep me in yours! God bless you!
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.