Amos 2:6-10, 13-16
Matthew 8:18-22
Today’s Gospel reading comes from Matthew 8:18-22. A scribe tells Jesus that he will follow him wherever he goes, and another says to let him bury his father and he will join Jesus then. Jesus says, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”
How dedicated are we to the call of Jesus in our lives? We live in a society that says do what feels good, and don’t concern yourself with Christ’s teachings to fix the outcome. To be disciples, we are required to be faithful to the gospel, to trust in the teachings of our faith, and to be committed to the teachings of Christ. But we live in a throw away society – more people are choosing to throw away what is unwanted and unnecessary, rather than prayerfully working through the complications and seriousness of life.
We are not guaranteed an easy life as followers of Christ. We have to be ready to stand by his promises no matter what. And we have to remember that we all have a story, and we do not know the details of what each person experiences. Please, do not judge those around you, but pray for those who are hurting, pray for those who must live with their decisions, and remember Jesus’ love for everyone.
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.