The journey continues with our dive into the Gospel of John. The dispute between Jesus and the Jewish authorities is revving up. At the heart of the issue is Jesus’ declared relationship with the Father and healing on the Sabbath. The Jewish authorities stubbornly hold tightly to the Letter of the Law. Jesus observes the law but points to the Spirit of the Law.
Once there was a Japanese lieutenant in the Imperial Army during World War II. His name was Hiroo Onoda. Japan’s defeat was imminent, so the Japanese commanding forces sent him to the Philippines to sabotage the Allied Landing strips and to spy on Allied troops. To the rest of the world, the war ended in 1945, but not to Hiroo. He refused to go and stayed behind in the Philippines, 29 years until his commander came to reverse the order.
The Jewish Authorities had several encounters with Jesus but were not changed. The soldiers sent to arrest Jesus were struck by Jesus’ words. The authorities accuse the soldiers of being deceived. The leading authorities were spiritually blinded, certain of their own righteousness. The Scripture expands on the theme in John 9 with the healing of the man blind since birth and the reaction of the authorities.
In what areas of my life do I have spiritual blinders and stubbornness? The Lord touches our entire being with awesome words and deeds. May he touch our hearts in a special way this Lenten season! God’s blessings!
Fr. Phillip Donlan, CP, is the Associate Director of Ministry at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center, Citrus Heights, California.