“The measure with which you measure, will in return be measured out to you”
Our reading from Daniel reads like a confession that follows a good examination of conscience…we screwed up – BIG TIME! And like the psalmist, we plead ‘don’t deal with us according to our wrongs and our actions. Then Luke holds us accountable – be compassionate and merciful stop judging and condemning. Luke reminds us that we have what we need to make things right, we have the ability to change the world.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, wrote “Idealism has always been out of fashion, especially in a place where cynicism is a cheap substitute for wisdom”. Our world today is less than ideal, cynicism is running rampant – like a deadly flu virus it seems to be ‘infecting’ everyone and everything. We know that if we simply allow the flu to ‘run its course’ we are going to have some pretty miserable days ahead of us, flu can kill. But if we catch it early, flu-shots, tera-flu…we can avoid the ugly, paralyzing symptoms and enjoy life.
Can we catch the symptoms of cynicism early? Can we treat them with compassion and love? Can we recognize that we are a connected people, all created in the image and likeness of a God who called us into being and loves us into goodness. Can we replace cynicism with wisdom – the wisdom of God, the wisdom of love? This Lent can we pledge to ‘enter another’s story’ can we step out of our comfort zone and really try to ‘understand’ the journey of the other. Can we begin to believe that this world is big enough for all of us – God has a plan for peace and harmony, love and joy. Can we step in and let God lead and enjoy life?
Faith Offman is the Associate Director of Ministry at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center in Detroit, Michigan.