Being With Christ
Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
We must learn to be with the total Christ. We must cherish each member of his body the church. We need not feel jealous of any of his members, rather praise God for His gift to all of us in them. Although Christ is beautiful and perfect in His humanity He chose as His coworkers, members that are flawed and damaged by past sins. Perhaps if He only chose perfect people in His Church, they would discouraged sinners like ourselves from joining His body.
A spirit of forgiveness is an extremely important attitude to be with Christ and not against Him. We live in a culture of tearing down statutes of flawed heroes of our country. It is a wonder of God’s grace that so much has been done by imperfect people. Maybe we can learn by looking at the birds of the sky. They would include the pigeons who decorate our statues! It is a sign of great spiritual immaturity to dismiss damaged members of His body. “Every saint has a past (not necessarily good) and every sinner has a future”. St Augustine
We certainly do not encourage a sinful life with no felt need to be like Our beautiful Shepard. The lovely word in the inspired Greek New Testament is kalos in describing Jesus. The basic sense of καλός “organically healthy,” “fit,” “useful,” “serviceable.” sense of “genuine” or “sterling,”. In His less than perfect members of His body we should be able to sense what is wonderful. In our negative judgements against our brothers and sisters don’t forget the beam in our eye. The church is the Body of Christ on this earth. I don’t think it is wise to be a critic of God’s elect because “I have come to call sinners”.
Fr. Bob Weiss, C.P. preaches Parish Missions and is a member of the Passionist Community in Louisville, Kentucky.