Isaiah 49:1-6
John 13:21-33, 36-38
You gotta love Peter! What you see is what you get with this man.
We are in the throes of Holy Week. We begin the week with “Hosana,” move to “Crucify him,” and finally end with “Alleluia.” We rightfully follow the journey of Jesus through this week, but let’s not forget those who accompanied him through these confounding events. So, back to Simon Peter.
The scene is the Last Supper in the upper room, the cenacle. It is an intense scene with the Beloved Disciple resting his head on Jesus, Judas’ betrayal, and then this exchange in today’s gospel.
My children, I will be with you only a little while longer…
Simon Peter said to him, “Master, where are you going?”
Jesus answered him, “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.”
Peter said to him, “Master, why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
Jesus answered, “Will you lay down your life for me? Amen, amen, I say to you, the cock will not crow before you deny me three times.”
Simon Peter is so brave to declare his unwavering commitment to God, as we all hope we would. But I cannot help but look around and see time and again the ways in which we waffle, just as Peter will do. We choose to lay down our lives for our job, our political party, our country, our friends. There is nothing wrong with making a commitment to any of these. The problem begins when they displace our commitment to live the gospel by caring for the poor, welcoming the stranger, forgiving our enemies, judging not, and loving one another. We’re likely to get that stare from Jesus that says, “Really? You’ll lay down your life for me and the message of love I preach?”
Robert Hotz is a consultant with American City Bureau, Inc. and was the Director of The Passion of Christ: The Love That Compels Campaign for Holy Cross Province.