Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16
Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Mark 14:1-15:47 or 15:1-39
Today begins the first day of the holiest week of the church year for many Christians across the world. In previous Lenten seasons, our pastor at the time would often begin his homily with this question. ‘So, how is your LENT going? This question would in turn lead us to ponder our Lenten experience up to that point. As we enter in to this holy week listening to the long story of the arrest, torture and death of Jesus, it would be good to reflect on this question.
So, how has your Lent been and what are some ways this journey has prepared you to welcome new life at Easter!?
This Lenten season has been many things, long, challenging, prayerful, affirming, quiet and rewarding. It was a time of not having to worry about TIME! Since retirement, my focus has been on a clock minus the hands! The challenge has been to realize that God’s time is my time and my time is God’s! I am a person who is used to being on the go, so as my journey called me to step back, stop and BE, at first it seemed too long. My days included more time for daily prayer, scripture and reflection, enriching zoom programs, outreach to those in need, and special Lenten services. Gradually the quiet times became a welcome part of each day! Challenging days came and went as God did not always see things my way and I was forced to back up and put my stubborn self in time out mode!
I look forward to more days of rejoicing in the goodness of our Risen Lord!
I look forward to spending more time out in nature and enjoying the gifts of creation!
I look forward to continuing to share the gift of new life with those who so desperately need to see and feel the goodness of our Creator God!
I look forward to being a part of restoring a sense of equality and justice to all God’s children, especially our black and brown sisters and brothers who have suffered way too long!
Holy Week is a special time as we journey with Jesus as he suffers, dies and rises to give us new life! May we willingly embrace the pain and suffering of the cross so that we may rejoice in the new life promised to us in Jesus Christ our Lord! Blessed Holy Week!
Theresa Secord is retired as a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.