The two greatest commandments: Love God and Love our Neighbor! The first is pretty much a given, loving God who loves us unconditionally is really a no-brainer! How can we do anything else but be grateful, thankful and blessed to know that no matter how many times we stray from that love, we are always welcome back! The second commandment to love our neighbor can be more challenging! It’s easy to love those who agree with us, share our hopes and dreams, challenge us lovingly to be a better person. Most of the time these folks are our closest friends, family, co-workers, people who literally do live next door to us.
Jesus calls us to love all people, especially those we don’t really care for, those who have different views, those who may not even like us! we live in such a fractured world. It is very easy to get caught up in the infighting on social media or the harsh words exchanged at the dinner table or board room. We must work to be that light to the world, to be that small flickering sign of Christ’s love for all.
Our parish theme for Lent this year is ‘Return to Me and Be Transformed. Lent calls us to stay connected to our loving God and see that love and goodness in all of creation. Truthfully, this is not easy for any of us. During this Lenten season, may we find it in our hearts to be Christ for all those we encounter. Let us be transformed as we turn our negative thoughts into positive energy as we feed the hungry at the local soup kitchen, organize a call to action to help the poor in our neighborhoods have better access to adequate housing and employment, visit a friend or relative we have been avoiding because their views may not be our views. Let us do all we can to send positive energy into our world.
However you choose to spend these Lenten days leading up to the great celebration of Easter, may you remember the two greatest commandments to LOVE God and neighbor which calls all of us to be a strong witness of Christ’s love to the world, especially in the difficult times. Peace!
Theresa Secord is a retired Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.