Life and Love: All Things Are Possible For God!
Today’s Gospel is another “human interest” story related by St. Mark in which Jesus witnesses to the depths of God’s love for each of us…no matter what! The story: Jesus is on a journey; a man runs up and excitedly pops a question about “inheriting eternal life”; Jesus reviews with him the commandments, then looks at the man with love; He then invites him to give away his resources to the poor and then come follow Him. But, no…the man’s face fell: he had many possessions, and was attached to them — he went away sad. For Jesus…a teachable moment with His disciples…and us.
Jesus shares with His disciples that true detachment is key to sharing in God’s Kingdom — and part of promoting that Kingdom. God’s gifts to us are true blessings, to be humbly received and shared. The familiar (and challenging!) overstated image of a camel passing through the eye of a needle was Jesus’ attempt to hammer home to the disciples that all things are possible for God… even when we may be held back by “things”. Jesus’ life witnesses true detachment as He offers salvation to us all…even to His death on the Cross.
As we embark on the great spiritual journey of Lent, this Gospel invites us to “let go” and see our Lenten programs as helps to our openness in both receiving and sharing God’s love. Jesus invites us to be free / detached from those things that, though good in themselves, can turn us inward and limit our love: things such as people, possessions, power, thoughts…to name a few blessings / challenges. To follow Jesus is to share in His freedom to love unconditionally, to generously serve others and share God’s Life…especially with those in special need.
Challenging? You bet! Impossible? No way! Jesus looks at US with love, and invites us to follow Him and spread the Good News today. “All things are possible for God.” May we add our “Amen” by our lives.
Fr. John Schork, C.P. is a member of the Passionist community in Chicago, Illinois.