Jesus’ analogy of the vine and the branches reminds me when we toured a winery. Our guide walked us through the grape arbors and explained the importance of caring for the vines. Not all growth is beneficial to the vine and must be pruned. Some branches die out and must be removed to prevent disease and decay. The result of careful cultivating was a very healthy, productive vineyard!
While this was a novel experience for me, it was everyday life for the disciples. They would easily relate to this analogy.
Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
What lessons can we take from this reading?
We are intimately connected with God, the vine grower, through Jesus, the vine. Jesus’ life flows through us guided by the Holy Spirit. By remaining attached to the vine, we grow and produce fruit that benefits the community.
We are interconnected with each other as members of the same vine. There are not separate vines for gender, race, or nationality. God’s love is the same for all of us. We are expected to support and encourage each other.
We need pruning. Diseased branches and wild shoots drain life from the vine and branches. Unhealthy growth must be removed, and good growth needs to be encouraged. Pruning can be painful, but we must have faith that God the vine grower has a plan for us.
Springtime is here and nature is waking up. If you are able, take a meditative walk in a park, forest or your own neighborhood and pay close attention to the plants, vines, and trees. How healthy are the branches of your spiritual life? Are you contributing to the vitality of the vine? Do you need some pruning? God speaks to us through nature, if we listen with an open heart!
Mike Owens is coordinator of the Passionist Alumni Association and a member of the Migration Commission of Holy Cross Province. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky.