Today’s Scripture readings demonstrate the importance of continuing to open our minds and hearts to a better understanding of our relationship with God. In our reading from the Acts of the Apostles we are told that Priscilla and Aquila “took Apollos aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.” In the reading from John, Jesus shares with the apostles a deeper understanding of their relationship with God the Father. In both cases new understanding is gained by opening hearts and minds to growth. As I age, deepening my understanding seems to be a major task for me.
Lewis Richmond, in his book, Aging as a Spiritual Practice, puts it this way, “Aging is a time to get to know yourself in new ways––to open yourself to gifts unavailable to you––by forging a deeper connection to your inner life.” As a Passionist I have been taught the importance of both active ministry and a strong contemplative life. You can only draw water from the well and share it with others in ministry if there’s water in our contemplative well to draw.
Growing my understanding of who I am in relationship to a loving God requires me to spend time deepening the relationship. Learning about my relationship with God flows not only from my relationships with others but my relationship to the depths of my own humanity. I suppose this reflection leads me to ask a few questions.
What am I currently doing to deepen my relationship with God and others at this point in my life?
How can I make myself available for a deeper understanding of God and my own humanity?
When and how will I allow my present moments to reveal new graces in my life?
I invite you to join me in prayer, as together, we explore the answers to these questions.
Terry McDevitt, Ph.D. is a member of the Passionist Family in Louisville, Kentucky.