It’s just that easy. The blind man says, “Master, I want to see.” and Jesus tells him to go his way, that his faith has saved him. This opened the blind man’s eyes and he was able to see. For us, as we search our faith to find answers to help us find what we need, that make us search for God’s truth, then that truth is always easy to find. Master, I want to find peace; Master, I want the hurting to stop, Master, I don’t want to be alone. He is always ready to give us the authority, the freedom, the ability to find what we need when we need it.
Don’t stop searching – don’t stop asking. Our Lord always provide what we need. If we are hurting, maybe we need to learn from that pain. If we are lonely, maybe there is something in that loneliness that will open our eyes to what really needs to be seen.
And if it is peace that you long for, then search no more. His peace and His grace are enough.
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.