Sirach 44:1, 9-13
Mark 11:11-26
We hear in the reading from Sirach about the rewards allotted to our ancestors who were faithful to the covenant, thus passing on the richness of faith that we are blessed with today.
Their wealth remains in their families, their heritage with their descendants; through God’s covenant with them their family endures, their posterity, for their sake.
We are wealthy in so many ways because of this gift of faith, nurtured through prayer and scripture. Jesus reminds us that when we pray in faith whatever we ask for will be granted. This continues to be good news considering all the chaos that continues to surround us in this post-pandemic world we live in!
Our ancestors in faith as well as our family and faith communities today can be a real source of support for how we live our lives as faithful Christians. Jesus reminds us of the charge that we all have received to keep growing in our faith with these words:
I chose you from the world, to go and bear fruit that will last,
One of the great joys of pastoral ministry over the years and now in retirement is to witness to how so many of those I have had the privilege to walk with through RCIA, faith formation, sacrament preparation and celebrations and outreach ministry over the years are actively accepting the call to ‘go and bear fruit that will last’!
They are busy and active in so many areas of parish and community ministry including justice/outreach, RCIA sponsors/team, liturgical ministers, parish leadership, hospitality, life-long faith formation/Catholic school and parish. There is a lot of fruit bearing happening!
Summer is upon us, fields are planted, flowers are growing, the beauty of nature is all around us! May we take time to give thanks to God for this bounty as we faithfully ‘bear fruit that will last’!
Theresa Secord retired as a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.