Sirach 42:15-25
Mark 10:46-52
Our gospel today relates the cure of the blind man. At first we may think, "This doesn’t apply to me. I can see." You and I may not be physically blind. But oftentimes are suffer from spiritual blindness and fail to see the reality God is showing us. What are the things that may be blinding us?
We may be blinded by self-pity and fail to see our own inner beauty. We may be blinded by prejudice and fail to see the beauty of each human person. We may be blinded by unforgiveness and fail to see our way to peace.
We may be blinded by our desires for comfort and security and fail to see the needs of others. We may be blinded by fear and fail to see the possibilities life holds out for us.
We too ask, "Lord, remove our blindness. We want to see." Give us eyes of wonder to see the beauty of creation. Give us eyes of courage to see the way through life’s trials. Give us eyes of compassion to see how we can comfort others.
Give us eyes of faith to see you dwelling within us. Give us eyes of wisdom to see how short life is and the importance of each moment of each day.
Our gospel says, "Immediately he (the blind man) received his sight and started to follow Jesus up the road." He saw a new purpose, a new meaning, a new direction to his life, — to go with Jesus. May nothing blind us from taking that path.
Fr. Alan Phillip, C.P. is a member of the Passionist Community at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California.