Satisfaction in time of Pandemic
This is not a plea for emails or food, but after two weeks of quarantine in my room, I tested positive, and so am sentenced to another two weeks! I feel very good now and wait not wanting spread the virus.
Looking out the window, I see the school parking lot. At 5 o’clock each day a father and his two young daughters come to play. One girl is maybe third grade with her two-wheel bike, the younger perhaps first grade with training wheels on hers. Dad runs after them, sometimes he judges their races. The older girl really speeds around. I think she lets her little sister win or at least comes in a close second a bit. I’ve seen their mom come. Dad rested a bit and mom did some running. She is fast! She’s not there often and I suspect the exercise time is more a chance for her to get a rest at home. What a lovely picture through the window of children at play, doing what they do best, parents are doing what they do best, loving their children.
In the winter, I opened the church before dawn one morning and as I was walking to the door, I was walking toward a full moon just sitting above the treetops across the street. It was so quiet. Suddenly not far above me two large hawks glided over my head, wings not moving and almost touching one another. Now from my window, I saw a hawk in the distance, very high up. It was moving toward me, stopping and hovering occasionally. Each time it became lower, bigger and closer. Unfortunately, my window is not made for wide screen viewing. The hawk moves a little to the left and is now out of sight.
The Rolling Stones first number one hit was, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”. This is the Apostle Philip’s song. At the multiplication of loves in John’s gospel Philip tells Jesus the few loaves and fish cannot satisfy the crowd’s hunger. Today he tells Jesus to show the Father to the apostles and they will be satisfied. He can’t get no satisfaction!
Jesus wants the disciples to believe that he and the Father are one. They can remember the works he did, that will help. Our Lord says that the Father living in him accomplishes his works. Jesus is going to the Father and whatever you ask in my name I will do, and that will give glory to the Father. Ask anything and I will do it.
Like Philip do we see enough in a little bit? Are we satisfied when Jesus tells us something that doesn’t satisfy us because our window isn’t big enough?
Maybe in our asking we will have the help we need to believe and come to the Father through Jesus. Yesterday we heard that Jesus is the way to the Father.
The signs of the times are limiting now, distancing and precautions. Even In living them the love of a family can become visible. Even in a fearful pandemic the bulging beauty of God’s creation can float by on its way to the moon, not at all concerned about the created beauty that worries about many things walking below on two feet. Can we ask the Father in Jesus name to open our windows to see God’s protection, power and presence. Let us ask and trust that we will be satisfied.
Fr. William Murphy, CP is the pastor of Immaculate Conception parish in Jamaica, New York.