1 Maccabees 2:15-29
Luke 19:41-44
"To the upright I will show the saving power of God." Psalm 50
Instructions in a manual, recipies for meals or directions to a destination, we use these things to get what we want or where we want to go. The more we deviate from these instructions, the less likely we are to get the outcome we intended. We may get lost or end up with a less than satisfying meal. The same can be applied to our journey to the Kingdom.
We are given gifts, advice and a road map on how to enter into the Kingdom of God. These tools are aquired over time, throughout life and through different experiences. We frequently encounter Jesus in the Gospels telling his followers to leave their possesions behind and follow Him. The prophets and forefathers are our guides, encouraging us to do as they did, sacrificing and spending time away to pray. And yet, even though we are given these items, we tend to stray away or fall off the path. If we are so apt to follow correct directions so that we can arrive to our earthly destinations on time, why can we not do the same when it comes to our faith journey?
God speaks to us and give us direction in so many ways. Parts of creation, our loved ones, Scripture and in silence, we can hear His voice. We must ask for the grace to have our eyes opened, our ears to be opened to His voice in our everyday lives. Encountering Christ with an open mind and heart helps us to understand His direction for us and His will. Create the time in your hectic schedule to take your journey off of auto-pilot. Take the wheel and drive. The directions have provided all we have to do is follow them. This is the way to peace. We are in control of how we can achieve inner peace. In realizing our ability to control our direction we are able to relinquish it, allowing the fog rise and the path become clear.
Kim Valdez is on the Pastoral Staff at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center in Houston, Texas