Revelation 4:1-11
Luke 19:11-28
Engage in trade with these until I return….
I chose you from the world, to go forth and bear fruit that will last…
Yet another parable – two really – Jesus intertwines two into one – the king who seeks his kingdom, but the people don’t embrace him and entrusting the coins/talents to his servants to ‘trade’ in his absence.
Who is our king? And what do we do with the gifts/talents he entrusts to us? It’s not enough for us to simply receive and preserve, or even hoard our gifts – we must share them – be willing to take risks and speak truth wherever we find ourselves. The kingdom that we have been entrusted with –the kingdom of God, which Jesus reminded us begins now – is meant for all – Jews and Gentiles alike. Are we ‘engaged in the trade’ – do we allow the Word of God to penetrate our hearts and open our eyes to the opportunities that surround us to share the Good News? It is not meant to be hoarded or guarded, it’s meant to be planted in our hearts and the hearts of those we encounter, it’s meant to be ‘paid forward’ and produce a hundred fold.
How are we sharing our gifts and passing on the treasure of God’s love, mercy and forgiveness? Are we willing to take it beyond the walls of our own hearts or do we ‘safeguard’ it comfortably in our subconscious where we quickly forget what we have received and ignore the mandate to embrace the trust God puts in us to multiply our gifts and build the Kingdom.
What do you do with your talents? Pay them forward or cling to them in fear? The choice – the response is yours!
Faith Offman is the Associate Director of Ministry at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center in Detroit, Michigan.