The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Maccabees 6:18-31
Luke 19:1-10
Today we celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As with Mary’s birth, Mary’s presentation in the temple cannot be proven historically. “In what is recognized as an unhistorical account, the Protoevangelium of James tells us that Anna and Joachim offered Mary to God in the Temple when she was 3 years old. This was to conduct a promise made to God when Anna was still childless.” (Franciscan Media, November 21, 2023, Saint of the Day)
Even though the feast has no historical significance it should reflect upon an important truth about Mary. Mary, from the very beginning dedicated her life to God. While her parents dedicated her to God in the temple at the age of 3 years of age, she became a greater temple than any human could build. God graced her to share a unique role in God’s salvific work. (Franciscan Media, November 21, 2023, Saint of the Day)
We are created unique and precious and made to the image and likeness of God. We too, are temples of God and share in, enjoy, and benefit from God’s salvific work. There are some important questions to ask ourselves on this special feast. Am I living as a temple of the Holy Spirit? Do I have a daily plan to care for and grow in mind, body, and spirit. Who or what gives my life meaning? How much quiet time and prayer time do I take on a daily basis. What priorities do I have in this life?
Dear God, as you graced Mary to share a unique role in your salvific work, please grace me this day to live as a temple of the Holy Spirit living a life that is dedicated to you.
Carl Middleton is a theologian/ethicist and a member of the Passionist Family.