Celebration of Thanksgiving
in the United States
Sirach 50:22-24
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Luke 17:11-19
Thanksgiving Day, 2012, what am I thankful for?
I’m thankful for the gift of faith, for love and so much more. . .
I’m thankful for a husband, who loves me oh so much;
For food and shelter, light and warmth, for sight and sound and touch!
I"m thankful for our children – such gifts from God above;
For all the times we get to share and celebrate our love!
For Mass, God’s Word, for living faith; for walking in the Spirit;
For hope and joy and God’s sweet peace; for mercy with no limits!
For beauty all around us, for the blessing of this day;
Each breath we take a gift from God, we never can repay.
But most of all to know the truth that Jesus paid the price;
He conquered death and rose again and we will never die!
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Janice Carleton and her husband Jim live in Portland, OR and partner with Passionist Fr. Cedric Pisegna in Fr. Cedric Ministries. Janice also leads women’s retreats. She is the mother of 4 grown children and grandmother of 6. Visit Janice’s website at http://www.jcarleton.com/ or email her at [email protected]