Revelation 15:1-4
Luke 21:12-19
“He did not say, ‘You shall not be perturbed, you shall not be troubled, you shall not be distressed,’ but He said, ‘You shall not be overcome.’”
~Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, Chapter 68
Hearing today’s readings in light of the tumult, uncertainty and suffering in the world and our lives today, we might feel not so far removed from John who sees in heaven “seven angels with the seven last plagues.” We are in the midst of Covid, with deaths rising once again. Our country feels more divided than ever. Inequalities in housing, wealth, healthcare, and employment are in sharp relief. We see the disastrous results of climate change daily, most recently the devastation of Hurricane Iota leaving tens of thousands homeless in Central America.
Yet today’s readings are a celebration of divine triumph. We are called to sing of God’s “great and wonderful” works, to trust in God’s “wondrous deeds,” to join the mountains in shouting for joy. This is the grace of our faith, knowing that simultaneously with the tumult exists God’s victory, timeless and ever-present. And we are necessary co-creators. Every time we take a step in solidarity with the crucified today–whether they be migrants, Covid patients, those in homeless shelters and prisons, or victims of racial injustice–we live into God’s wondrous works.
Jesus tells us, “By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” May we together persevere in co-creating a new song, joyfully singing into being the Kingdom, where God “will rule the world with justice and the peoples with equity.”
Lissa Romell is the Administrator at St. Vincent Strambi Community in Chicago, Illinois.