How many times do we get caught up in the spirit of this world? Temptations are thrown to us left and right, and our best attempts at living a Godly life can sometimes seem futile, at best. How much of our time do we waste watching television, having one drink too many (thankfully I have a very low tolerance to alcohol…), or spend our time with things that will not enlighten us in our faith journey? Jesus said, “be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape imminent tribulations”. I believe those tribulations are those things that pull us away from Him, and that pulls us away from our eternity with Christ.
Imagine yourself constantly being next to Jesus. Everything you did, he would be there. Everywhere you went, he would be beside you. Wherever you drove, he would be in the front seat. Would you do things differently? Would you, possibly, not go to some of the places that bring you pleasure if you knew Jesus was there? Well, guess what – he certainly is! The good you do on earth; you do for the Father in Heaven. If we know he is always present, we certainly would do things differently!
Pull yourself into a schedule of doing good on this earth. I believe that God wants us to enjoy this life and all the gifts that he has given us with it. Make the most of those gifts and enjoy them, but make sure you use them for good, especially for the good of others! When our day comes to stand before the Son of Man, I want all of us to be there! God bless you!
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.