Revelation 22:1-7
Luke 21:34-36
Today we celebrate the last day of the Church year 2020, Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time. I’m sure we can all agree that this church year and calendar year has been anything but ‘ordinary’! We have endured a continuing pandemic wherein countless numbers of people have died as the death toll continues to rise daily around the country. In this country we have weathered political battles and divisiveness that continues to make headlines. My book club is reading White Rage, an account of the terrible brutality that our black sisters and brothers have endured for much of our nation’s history and continues today! It is a hard read, but a necessary one if we are ever going to move towards a just world for all peoples! On top of all this, we have hurricanes, flooding, fires, riots and demonstrations across our country and world to deal with on a regular basis.
Today, as I prepare this reflection, I am also aware that this day, November 22, is the 57th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, a dark time for our entire world! The world prayed, cried, stayed glued to the TV as they joined together to mourn as one and to question where there were no answers!
Today as we collectively share our fears, frustrations, impatience, inconveniences, and so many other emotions and constraints, we are reminded of Jesus’ words in scripture,
Be vigilant at all times!
Yes, we are in dark times, but our faith tells us to have hope, be vigilant, be strong! The season of Advent begins tomorrow. In our parish the theme we have chosen for Advent, Behold the Promise, calls us to look forward to the promise that the newborn babe brought to a world troubled in the past, and still troubled in the present. A promise that inspires trust and belief in faith that our God continues to walk with us every step of the way!
Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!
Theresa Secord recently retired as a Pastoral Associate at St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.