Revelation 22:1-7
Luke 21:34-36
"Be vigilant at all times and pray that you may have the strength to stand before the Son of Man."
The admonition to "stay vigilant" from today’s gospel reading and the additional emphasis these days on "reading the signs of the times" seem to be connected. It is not easy to stay vigilant and read the signs of the times around me. I know I tend to often find myself thinking of days gone past or days that lie ahead. Living in the present moment is more than challenging; it is often nearly impossible!
I know I should be "mindful" and aware of the present moment; for it is in the present moment where I can share compassion with myself and others. It is in the present moment where I am truly a Passionist, aware of and sharing in the suffering of my fellow human beings. God’s love for me freely flowing from the Cross is right now, not yesterday or tomorrow!
The present moment is an experience of "connectedness". I am connected to God’s love, to others, and to the earth around me. As Jesus said, we all must strive to be vigilant. In being vigilant in the present moment, we can be aware of who we are, who God is, and the connection we have with God in all creation.
As we pray Psalm 95 today, let us recall with joy, "He is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides."
Terry McDevitt, Ph.D. is a member of our Passionist Family who volunteers at the Passionist Assisted Living Community in Louisville, Kentucky.