Romans 10:9-18
Matthew 4:18-22
St. Paul reminds us: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” We could add, “How especially beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news of the Passion of Christ.”
To preach the Passion begins with remembering Calvary: Jesus’ agony, heartache, pain and death endured out of love. We remember, and love Jesus in return.
Then, to preach the Passion is to name the sufferings of Christ as experienced by people today, and to offer compassion.
To preach the Passion is to name the union with Christ that comes through baptism, and help people realize their pain is his pain. He suffers not in vain.
To preach the Passion is to encourage the followers of Christ to give comfort to the sorrowing, bring hope to the discouraged, and to be a community for the lonely.
To preach the Passion is to help transform people from inflicting suffering to relieving distress, from doing injustice to working for peace.
To preach the Passion is to proclaim the cross of Christ as a symbol of victory, and the foundation for lasting joy.
To preach the Passion means dying to self in order to welcome all people into our hearts.
How beautiful are your feet?
Fr. Alan Phillip, C.P. is a member of the Passionist Community at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center, Sierra Madre, California.