Imagine being a fisherman – your livelihood, your family’s future, everything depends on the catch of the day, and without that you have no income, no way of feeding and supporting your family.
But that is exactly what they did – the fisherman gave up everything to follow the call of this man, this Messiah, and it would change the course of their entire lives.
Jesus knows what we are capable of – our specific gifts and talents are to be shared with everyone, to show them the power and the many graces we receive from our loving God.Those gifts and talents are shared, and by the grace of God, those who receive your gifts will also share their gifts. We pray that, in the end, everyone will bring people to the loving arms of Jesus.
Your gifts are valuable and precious. Don’t hold them to yourself, but share them with those who are hurting, in need, lonely, frightened. There is so much opportunity in this world to make a difference, to share the love of God with others. You won’t have to look very hard to find someone who needs love. Be a fisher of all people, throw out your nets and marvel at the gifts you will receive in return!
Patty Masson supports the Passionists from Spring, Texas.