Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31-5:1
Luke 11:29-32
Today’s reading revisits the ancient world’s horrific distinctions between slaves and free people, and the children of slaves and free people.
Imagine gathering around a round table today with people from all walks of life. We arrive by jet and car; they come on foot from a river, bearing a gourd of river water for cooking, so we can all eat together later.
In this moment, what do we say to each other? “Tea, coffee, or water? How’s life? What’s on your mind? What’s most important today? What are your kids up to? What are you looking forward to this weekend? Tell us about the best and worst things that have happened to you. If we meet again, what should we do together?
Then, ask ourselves: Are we truly serving one another? Are we exploiting each other unjustly? Does our relationship benefit everyone at the table and aim for a better life for all our children?
Back to the reading: Are we still making crazy distinctions between the sons and daughters of enslaved people and the so-called “free born”? Believe it—slavery exists in 2024. Maybe not far from our own homes, people are exploited and effectively enslaved. Ask ourselves what part we play in this “free” versus “enslaved” social structure and what we can do right now to withdraw our participation in such unfairness and cruelty.
Jack Dermody is the editor of the CrossRoads bulletin for the Passionist Alumni Association and a member of the Migration Commission for Holy Cross Province. He lives in Glendale, Arizona.