Romans 4:13. 16-18
Luke 12:8-12
If Abraham was to be the father of many nations, the members of that large family would need to be like their father. Chances are all could not do the same things that Abraham was able to do. Some might be more artistic; some may be carpenters; some good a teaching, etc. Their oneness with their father Abraham would not depend on doing the same things. Rather, it would depend on their trusting openness in faith to the free gift of God’s grace falling upon them. They would all share in the righteousness of Abraham not through works but through faith.
Faith opens and keeps open our hearts to the flow of God’s love. Jesus tells us that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin that closes the heart to the flow of God’s forgiving grace.
The flow of God’s Spirit within us puts us into an oneness with God. In times of necessity, we need not worry about what to say or not say. Because of our intimacy with Jesus, he can speak through us by the Holy Spirit he has given to us and who dwells within our hearts.
Faith makes us a channel through which flows the power and love of God. Our challenge is to let it flow. If we try to dam in up and keep it for ourselves, it will become stagnant and a source of death rather than a river of life. The more we allow it to flow the more it cuts away our sinfulness and resistance and the greater our capacity becomes to channel an even greater abundance of God’s blessings and anointings to others.
Fr. Blaise Czaja, C.P. gives parish missions and retreats. He is a member of the Passionist Community in Houston, Texas.