Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels
Job 9:1-12, 14-16
Matthew 18:1-5, 10
How great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from birth an angel commissioned to guard it. ~ St. Jerome
Today’s Gospel reading begins with the disciples asking Jesus about who is the greatest.
This question is so foreign to the mind of Jesus! So, He calls a child over to Him and sits the child among the disciples. And he says: “Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.” ~Mt.18:3-4
The word “humble” is related to the Latin word humus, which means “earth”. Humbled by suffering and loss, Job came to understand himself as Earth creature, in relation to the Creator. In today’s first reading he is in awe of God who “does things great and unsearchable, things marvelous and innumerable.” ~Job 9:10
When we are humble, we stand in awe before the powers of the Universe, and the mysteries of life. We experience our vulnerability and our need for God, and we look for guidance. We welcome assistance from companions along the journey, like angels!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains that children have angels to guide and guard them. Our angels guide us so well, because they know our destination—their eyes are on us, and their eyes are also on God. As Jesus says, they “always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” ~Mt.18:10
In a homily for the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, Pope Francis explains the role of angels in our lives:
Our angel is not only with us; he also sees God the Father. He is in relationship with Him. He is the daily bridge; from the moment we arise to the moment we go to bed. He accompanies us and is a link between us and God the Father. The angel is the daily gateway to transcendence, to the encounter with the Father: that is, the angel helps me to go forward because he looks upon the Father, and he knows the way. Let us not forget these companions along the journey.
Patty Gillis is a retired Pastoral Minister. She serves on the Board of Directors at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center in Detroi, Michigant. Patty is currently a member of the Laudato Si Vision Fulfillment Team and the Passionist Solidarity Network.