Feast of Saints Simon and Jude
I find a lot of hope and promise in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. He is speaking not only to the people of Ephesus, but to all of us who call ourselves Christian as well! It is comforting to be reminded that we are sisters and brothers in Christ, members of the household of God and part of something bigger than we can even imagine! Today we celebrate the feast of Saints Simon and Jude. They were faithful apostles of Jesus who preached the Good News throughout the Middle East and gave their lives in service to the Gospel.
In a few short days we will celebrate the great feast of All Saints! We give thanks for all those holy men and women who like Simon and Jude have gone before us in faith and call us to follow in their footsteps as we seek to live out our call to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ.
Luke shares the gospel message wherein Jesus, after prayer and discernment, gathers the disciples and appoints the twelve to be his apostles. We all have a ‘call’ story or many stories of how God calls us time and again to serve as members of his household. This call to serve takes us down many paths in our lifetime. We are confronted daily with the joys and struggles that surround us as we try to live out that clarion call to be disciples of Jesus in a world that often seems to turn a deaf ear to the good news!
May we continue to answer the call to live the Gospel message, to work towards a more peaceful and just world, to spend time in prayerful discernment and above all, give thanks that we are, fellow citizens and members of the household of God, blessed to have a place at the table of the Lord. Amen!
Theresa Secord recently is a retired Pastoral Associate from St. Agnes Parish, Louisville, Kentucky.