Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Numbers 21:4b-9
Philippians 2:6-11
John 3:13-17
Today, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, we are reminded of so many elements that make up our Christianity’s core.
The readings today inspire a Novena-style prayer which draws us towards the theological gift and virtue of Hope. Where we cannot just live in a confident expectation of Christ’s presence in our lives but can bathe in the grace already delivered through His salvific mission.
Let us celebrate this wonderful day for Passionists (and all Christians) around the world.
A Prayer for the gift of Hope
- DAY 1—MOVING CLOSER. Dear Lord, let my understanding of Hope move from a desire to receive my wishes and personal needs to those which bring my heart closer to you.
Recite ten times:
(Lord, open my heart to your most wondrous gift of Hope, this day, and every day of my life.)
- DAY 2—NEVER DESPAIR. Jesus, let me not despair in my times of need. Let my heart have the confidence that you will always provide. Let me recognize the gift of Hope, which eternally flows towards me, even when I do not see it. Turn my heart towards you, so I will do, or be ready to do your will.
Recite ten times:
(Lord, open my heart to your most wondrous gift of Hope, this day, and every day of my life.)
- DAY 3—DURING TIMES OF SPIRITUAL DRYNESS. Holy Spirit, you are always in my life, ever-present but not always recognized by me. So let me greet you like the unexpected visitor who comes just when they are needed. I am grateful for the gift of Hope, which always connects me to you, and let me bask in Hope during those unexpected times of spiritual dryness when often I need you most.
Recite ten times:
(Lord, open my heart to your most wondrous gift of Hope, this day, and every day of my life.)
- DAY 4—OFFERING OF HEART AND MIND. God, help me surrender my soul to you in the only way I know-how. Dear Lord, I offer my mind and heart to you in all things, no matter how difficult I find it, to make this humble and vulnerable offering.
Recite ten times:
(Lord, open my heart to your most wondrous gift of Hope, this day, and every day of my life.)
- DAY 5—A BROKEN HEART IS AN OPEN HEART. Jesus, my broken heart is an open heart, which faces you fully and with the love you have donated. Let my heart be open and bleed to your liturgy of love, which you give me daily through the channel of Hope.
Recite ten times:
(Lord, open my heart to your most wonderful gift of Hope, this day, and every day of my life.)
Michael Cunningham, OFS, is the Director and CEO of Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California.