Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Corinthians 10:14-22
John 19:25-27
Behold your Mother! In life we never quite know what tomorrow holds, whether our next days will be bright and sunny, painful and challenging or full of sorrow is a mystery. But one thing that we as Catholic Christians can count on is that there will always be hope. There is always hope because we have a Mother and a Savior who love us in a way that we will never quite understand. He loves us so much that He gives us His Mother and she loves us so much so as to point us back to Him, this is a true love triangle!
Today we celebrate the feast of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary, by apostolic letter, Pope Paul the VI constituted and proclaimed the Sorrowful Virgin Mary as the principal patroness of the Passionist Congregation. The celebration of this feast of our Lady of Sorrows offers us all the opportunity to deepen our participation with her in the mystery of Christ’s passion. From the very instrument of His crucifixion, the cross, Our Lord offered His mother to all of humanity as He proclaimed, “Behold your Mother” and His Mother in turn points all of humanity back to her son offering reconciliation with him.
In the hymn, Stabat Mater which we sing on this day we hear the line, “at the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last” and it reminds us of the ultimate sorrow of a mother who witnesses the pain and suffering of her only son who is fully human and fully divine. In His divinity He is the Alpha and the Omega and in His humanity He feels the nails, the wounds, and the pain that cut to His very being. She is close to Jesus to the last and as such He offers her to us, to heal our wounds, to bring us hope and to love us. So, Behold your Mother!
Deacon James Anderson is the Administrator at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center in Houston, Texas.