1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Luke 8:1-3
“…Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women…”
I write this on September 17, the Feast of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), Saint, Doctor of the Church, prophet, and preacher, musician and composer, poet and artist, doctor and pharmacist. Author Robert Ellsberg states, “Hildegard presented a picture of human beings and the cosmos as emanations of God’s love, “living sparks” or “rays of his splendor, just as the rays of the sun proceed from the sun itself”…human beings are the thinking heart, called to be co-creators with God in shaping the world” (Blessed Among Us, p536)
These words came to me as I read the beautiful words of today’s Gospel – Jesus traveling from town to town, not alone but with others who knew him and his father. Others who struggle throughout their human lives to stay connected to the God who loves them, and overcome temptations to falter. Men and women with very human struggles, foibles, and transgressions – yet – willing to travel with Jesus to build the kingdom. Willing to attempt to be that ray of splendor, that thinking heart – to trust that they could be co-creators with Jesus, with God!!
We, too, travel with Jesus from home to work, from town to town, from person to person – from situation to situation – do we emanate God’s love? Do we strive to be a living spark or ray of splendor? Do we connect with Jesus before we react? Are our hearts open to the love that is called forth in every encounter we find ourselves in?
Our nation is filled with strife, unrest, fear, anxiety, stress – Can we be a voice of love in the midst of all the opinion? Can we travel with Jesus and let Him guide our humanity and respond as co-creators…Jesus thinks we can and invites us to join Him.
Faith Offman is the Associate Director of Ministry at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat and Conference Center in Detroit, Michigan.