For now, hold fast – don’t disclose my identity just yet…wait for the right time.
I have experienced moments in my life that sadden me, from the time I was a child with an abusive brother, a teen with an alcoholic parent who dragged me through the pain of divorce, to adulthood as I try to find where I belong. But, all of those moments have strengthened me, and Christ was always there by my side, through it all. Pray for his guidance for strength, patience, compassion – you are not God, there is only one, and only He can give you the calm you need – the balm to sooth what ails you.
Is he a burden to you? We struggle in our faith to stay true to His word when we become discouraged, disheartened, neglected, or we feel we have been abandoned in our faith by those who we would hope to stand true to their convictions – and in today’s world, it is incredibly difficult to remember His words as we fight our battles. He told us the path would not be easy. But we are here for Him, we live for Him, we focus on all the good that we do in our lives, and we do all of that good for Him.
Jesus was sent by God as the Messiah – who is Jesus to you? Do you see him as a leader, father, teacher, friend – maybe a combination of several different roles? Pray for clarity in your relationship with Christ. Pray for a renewed commitment to him, through your words and deeds. Stay steadfast in your faith, as you roll through this crazy world, and you may feel you are doubting your faith. It doesn’t matter to anyone who I say Jesus is, except to me – so, who do YOU say that he is?
Patty Masson resides in Houston, Texas.