Revelation 12:7-12
John 1:47-51
Today we celebrate the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels.
It’s a great day to sit back and remember how much God loves us. God loves us enough to have angels like Michael fight battles for us, Gabriel to bring us the good news about Jesus, and Raphael to walk with us through the journey of life!
It’s a great day to experience the "blessed assurance" that God’s love and power will defeat the power of evil. The battles we fight every day against injustice, poverty, addiction, materialism and hatred will in the end be won by God’s goodness.
It’s a great day to realize the world is more than what we physically see around us. God’s angels are standing by us in the integrity of creation. Our "better angels" can be experienced in the smiles of our neighbors, the helping hands of those who minister, and the comforting prayers of our wise and compassionate seniors.
It’s a great day to just take a few minutes and let God love us more deeply into the beauty of life. The angels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael indeed are blessed assurance of how much God loves me. I know this is a simple message, but it may be the most important message I ever hear. God grant me the humility to accept this message in my heart and share it with others.
From the old hymn "Blessed Assurance"
"Angels descending bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love."
Terry McDevitt, Ph.D. is a member of our Passionist Family who volunteers at the Passionist Assisted Living Community in Louisville, Kentucky.