Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Micah 5: 1-4 or Romans 8:28-30
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23
An Amazing Day of Grace
Let us celebrate with joy the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for from her arose the sun of justice, Christ our God. “We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His decree.” –Romans 8:28
On this day when we celebrate Mary’s birthday, some of you are on the verge of divorce, in danger of death, or in agony. Jesus loves you infinitely and has died on the cross and risen from the dead for love of you. On this birthday celebration of Mary, expect Jesus to make “all things work together for the good” (Rm 8:28)
It is typical in the church to celebrate a saint’s death-day instead of the saint’s birthday. The birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an exception because in her humanity, God “has prepared a living temple where his Son, made flesh, wanted to live among us and give us salvation”; she “reminds us that God is faithful to his promises” (Pope Francis). In fact, from the first moment of her existence God had a loving plan for her—and through her, for us! In honoring Mary on Her birthday, we honor God, for “He who established the heavens in wisdom has fashioned a living heaven” (Byzantine Liturgy).
Deacon Peter Smith serves at St. Mary’s/Holy Family Parish in Alabama, a retired Theology teacher from Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Birmingham, a retired soldier from the US Air Force, and a member of our Passionist Family.