Prayer for Hope
Loving Father,
we begin this season of Advent
in great anticipation
of the Coming of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We have experienced the suffering of all
Your creation. We have seen the pain,
the violence, the sorrow and the grief
that is in our world.
Fill us with the hope that is in Your Son.
Grant us the strength to persevere
in following Him; in loving You
and loving our neighbor
and tending to our “common home.”
In Jesus’ Name, we pray, Amen.
Isaiah 2:1-5
Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24:37-44
Father Clemente Barrón, CP, welcomes us to the Advent season. He shares his reflection in English and Spanish. Father Clemente is the Director of Hispanic Ministry for Holy Cross Province.
A Poem of Hope
-Marci Madary
Our planet
tips back
as it spins in circles,
falling into shadow.
The Earth’s creatures
slowly yawn,
in their waking hours.
Snow falls and settles,
blanketing the ground with silence
yet secretly
twinkling back at the stars.
It is at the final pause
of this great exhalation
that the infusion of
the Divine is implanted.
With the flick of a match
a single flame of hope,
distinct in the darkness,
transforming night into treasure.
Call to Action:
If you use social media, post a hopeful Advent message on your page(s.)