Feast of Saint Valentine
Genesis 3:9-24
Mark 8:1-10
We have all heard the story of the loaves and fish so many times we might take it for granted as just another miracle story. What struck me reading Mark’s version this time was how much the Lord truly cares for those following Him. “His heart was moved”, if they don’t eat, “they will collapse on the way”, “they have a long distance” to travel. Rather than just a miracle story, it also reads like a love story. And so it is with us. The Lord loves us, His followers of today.
As He did in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus desires to enter into our lives, where ever we may be, physically or spiritually and help with our needs. He knows we have a long journey ahead, He knows that at times we are weak, and ready to collapse. And in these situations, He doesn’t abandon us, He provides for us. The Lord does not just wait for us at the finish line of life, evaluating how we are doing, he is right with us on our journey, moved by our struggles and ready to enter into them.
As in any true love story, it takes two. As much as we need to love The Lord, what is more important and often harder, is for us to accept His love. The Lord continues to pour out that love in the most beautiful way imaginable…the giving of Himself in the Eucharist.
On this Valentine’s Day when we think of those we love on earth, let us not forget to love the One who made us, but more importantly, to accept the love and care He so abundantly provides in our lives.
Steve Walsh is a retreatant at Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center in Sierra Madre ,and a good friend of the Passionist Community