Fr. John Schork C.P.
Provincial Secretary
Assistant Superior, St. Vincent Strambi Community,
Chicago, Illinois
A vowed Passionist for almost 50 years, Fr. John Schork came to know the Passionists while in grade school in Louisville, Kentucky, as part of the St. John Bosco Vocation Club. He went on to the local Passionist high school seminary, Mother of Good Counsel in Warrenton, Missouri, where his relationship with the Passionists was “cemented.” That relationship has animated his life ever since those early days of coming to know the mission of St. Paul of the Cross.
A graduate of Bellarmine University, Fr. John went on to the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and was ordained to the priesthood in 1976. He currently serves as the assistant local superior of the community in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He also serves as the Secretary for the Provincial Council.
Throughout his vocation as a Passionist, Fr. John has shared in a variety of duties throughout Holy Cross Province including retreat ministry and parish missions. Fr. John also sits on the board of the Holy Cross Province Health and Aging Advisory Board and the Intercommunity Retirement Network for Clergy and Religious.
No doubt, to ponder and live the Passion of Jesus Christ has added true meaning to his everyday life. Fr. John is a living witness to the love of Christ by preaching, performing Sacramental ministries and serving others with true feeling and enthusiasm for his mission.