Congratulations to Fr.Simon Herbers, CP, 97, recipient of the Compassion Award for the 2018 Gold Standard Award for Optimal Aging, presented by the University of Louisville, Institute for Sustainable Health and Optimal Aging.
Nominated by Dr. Terry McDevitt, Michelle Rudovich and Fr. David Cohour, CP.
“The Institute presents this award to an individual or couple, age 85 or older, who exemplifies optimal aging – someone who is making the most of what their later years bring and continues to love life.
The Gold Standard Award for Optimal Aging Award Ceremony & Luncheon celebrates and honors older adults who embody the Institute’s vision for a world where all older adults lead engaged and flourishing lives.”
Fr. Simon Herbers, CP, is a “golden” example of how to optimally respond to age-related changes! Two years ago, as a member of the Passionist religious order, he was transferred to the to the Passionist assisted living facility at Sacred Heart Monastery in Louisville, Kentucky, after living and ministering in Houston, Texas, for 30 years, Instead of letting his ministry and active life fade with age and a new home, Simon responded with flexibility, energy and grace. He jumped into ministry in Louisville, continuing his newsletter for seniors, Think Life. He sought out a writer to document his prison ministry. He started visiting seniors at Nazareth Home, a skilled nursing facility in Louisville. Simon continued his openness to new experiences and began participating in the Compassionate Louisville Elder Cousel. His active approach to life and ministry is inclusive, humble and grounded by love. Simon’s ability, to be “love” for others – while aging – is seen in his ministry.
Fr. Simon’s Passionist Family and friends gathered for the awards ceremony and luncheon,
September 7, 2018, in Louisville, Kentucky.