The 1988 and 1994 General Chapters of the Passionist Community stated: “Sharing in the joys and sorrows of our contemporaries, we announce the gospel of the Passion… We let ourselves be challenged and evangelized by the poor and their cry for liberation.”
“Our charism is a great gift. Our vocation to keep alive the memory of the Passion of Jesus does not belong only to our congregation or to our communities; it is open to all those human beings who are moved by the action of the Holy Spirit. We accept the call to live in communion with so many men and women who witness to its relevance and vitality.”
During the 1995 Provincial chapter of the Passionist Community of Holy Cross Province, there were discussions on the Community of Passionist Partners. Earlier work done by a Lay Collaboration Committee produced a document concerning Lay Partnership. From 1996 through 1997, there was a development of three models of partnership.
A refinement committee was formed to evaluate survey results completed by the Passionist Community and interested laity and to improve upon the original written document.
A board of Passionist Partners was formed in May 1997, comprised of four laity and three Passionists. The work they produced has served as the foundation for the formation of the Community of Passionist Partners. Four key elements became the focus of partnership: Community, Prayer, Apostolate/Ministry and the Memory of Christ’s Passion.
The Community of Passionist Partners began a pilot formation program in January 1998 in Detroit, Michigan and Sierra Madre, California. In April 1998 formation began in Chicago, Illinois and Citrus Heights, California. Later that year, formation began in Houston, Texas and Louisville, Kentucky.
A formation program began in Birmingham, Alabama in November 1999. There are currently nine communities of Passionist Partners in the United States.
CPP locations within Holy Cross Province:
Birmingham, AL
Chicago, IL
Citrus Heights, CA
Detroit, MI
Houston, TX
Louisville, KY
Nashville, TN
Sierra Madre, CA
San Antonio, TX