“The Passion of our Lord is in all of our lives. Everything we do, in some way, can be related to the Passion. Trying to understand Christ’s Passion in my life, knowing that the Lord is with me at all times, makes me a better human being.”
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You presently are a member of the Community of Passionists Partners? And how did that come to be?
Father Sebastian (MacDonald) was my mentor here. It is important to me that I am able to work with Passionists. My association with Passionists enhances my own spirituality. I need to work on my own spiritual growth—my spiritual life. I realized that joining the Community of Passionist Partners is one way to do this. I was very happy to know about it.
How has your relationship with other members of the Community of Passionists Partners meant to you? What is the “Community” aspect for you?
People are not meant to live alone. We look for others who have things in common with us. The support and understanding I get from the people in our community of partners is a very important part of my life. We have gotten to know each other pretty well, and it is wonderful!
Vowed Passionists devote their lives to understanding and living the reality of the Lord’s Passion, to living lives of service to many people. My spiritual life is involved with the Passionists, because Passionist spirituality brings out the reality of the Lord’s Passion in my daily life. Your life, your ministry, is an example of how I’d like to live.